What's your name?: Jackson
How old are you?: 14
How did you meet your mom/dad/parents?: I've been in the family for many years
How stinky are you?: I hate car rides and once peed in the bed after I got a bath!
What's your favorite treat?: Cheeseeeeeeeeee!
Where is your favorite place to sleep?: My old man chair!
What is your perfect day?: Sun bathing, peeing in everything outside, and getting as much attention as possible
What's the most ornery thing you've ever done?: Stole my dads seat on the patio when he got up for 2 seconds (you snooze, you lose).
What are some fun facts about you?: I'm still 'intact" as the vet would say, which gets me lots of attention. I have had 2 owners but all in the same family (I'll outlive you all!!!). I like to smile when I see people I like. Finding the right poop spot is harder than you think. 🐾
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