What's your name?:
Minnie, the West Virginia Brown Dog
How old are you?:
How did you meet your mom/dad/parents?:
I came from The Road Home Animal Project in the northern panhandle.
How stinky are you?:
Mom says I smell like a goat's moldy armpit.
What's your favorite treat?:
I love Greenies and licking the dishes in the dishwasher.
Where is your favorite place to sleep?:
I sleep in a fluffy bed on top of Mom's bed, and I will utter obnoxious, pained sighs of disdain and disgust all night long if I am booted off or out.
What is your perfect day?:
Breakfast at 5am, snooze until noon, three hour hike in the woods where I can run around and roll in dead things, dinner, evening snooze, bedtime snackies, and a cozy night on the big bed.
What's the most ornery thing you've ever done?:
When I was younger I tore the pockets out of all Mom's coats because she kept
training treats in them. I'm much better behaved now. Well, no I'm not. Where's the trash?
What are some fun facts about you?:
I am featured in my mom's book about West Virginia. I am 20% golden retriever. My family calls me Sausage Dog. I'm super manipulative. Vacuums are scary. 🐾
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