
Stinker of the Month: October 2022



What’s your name?: MANGO JONES

How old are you?: 2 years old

How did you meet your mom/dad/parents?: It was Flatwoods, WV fate that brought us together. I was trotting towards a ditch as a small baby, right off of the interstate exit below a Pilot gas station. Then, I heard these crazy people searching through the tall grass, so I hid for many minutes.

Then they stopped for a bit, but then came back. They finally uncovered my hiding spot and I got scooped up by two goobers and taken on a long car ride to Charleston, WV.

My mom is very allergic to me, but I guess my charming good looks won her over.

How stinky are you?: I smell wonderful and my litter boxes smell wonderful. My sister Goldie is the stinkiest ever.

What’s your favorite treat?: Lil Slurprises by Friskies.

Where is your favorite place to sleep?: I love a good windowsill with the sun beating on my belly.

What is your perfect day?: Purring on top of my father until he wakes up, then harassing my cat sister Goldie, then a big ole nap in mom's lap while she potatoes on the couch.

What’s the most ornery thing you’ve ever done?: I Fell through my basement ceiling tile while my parents were out of town and breaking their favorite antique beer bottle on the way down.

What are some fun facts about you?: I am the Braxton County Monster. I have no physical imperfections. I enjoy being walked around my yard from time to time. I like sleeping on top of the fridge. I am told daily that I am the best orange boi. Those are just facts.

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