
Stinker of the Month: March 2023


What’s your name?: Wehpen

How old are you?: 3 years old

How did you meet your mom/dad/parents?: I was originally with another family, but it was'nt working out. So my foster parents took me in and from day one we were a family! We've been together since I was 3 months old.

How stinky are you?: Let's just say I take a LOT of baths.

What’s your favorite treat?: I love pup cups, cheese, and big chewy bones and any other fancy treats mom gets me from Capitol Market.

Where is your favorite place to sleep?: In bed between mom and dad or on my soft furry blanky.

What is your perfect day?: I love spending the day in the woods with dad and meeting deer and coming home to cuddle with mom on the recliner with my favorite blanket and a belly full of treats!

What’s the most ornery thing you’ve ever done?: For a while I had a problem with pooping on the stairs, but I pooped on a different one each day atleast!

What are some fun facts about you?: I'm the cuddliest puppy around, I have two kitty siblings that don't quite understand me. I get really excited about putting on my sweaters and coats, and I love sleeping on my mom's feet all day while she works. I also love visiting all of the WV State Parks with my parents.

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