What’s your name?: Coney
How old are you?: 4 months!
How did you meet your mom/dad/parents?: My mom found me by searching "puppy" on Craigslist one morning and I met my new parents in a gas station parking lot. It seemed a little sketchy but it all worked out!
How stinky are you?: Depends on how many treats I got ( I'm a very good boy so am also very stinky )
What’s your favorite treat?: The cat food i'm not allowed to have.
Where is your favorite place to sleep?: I like to stretch out my long legs where ever mom will let me!
What is your perfect day?: Hanging out with my fam on a coffee shop patio where I can enjoy all the attentions.
What’s the most ornery thing you’ve ever done?: I try to eat the cat a couple times a day.
What are some fun facts about you?: I'm a Michigan dog! My parents names me after Coney Island restaurants which are a big deal here!