What’s your name?: Fern
How old are you?: 3
How did you meet your mom/dad/parents?: I was a tiny kitten who recently lost her front leg on the mean streets of Atlanta, my mom came to meet me at the shelter where I was recovering from an amputation and I immediately bit her as she reached into my cage. She said it was, love at first bite.
How stinky are you?: I'm only stinky when I open my mouth for a good yawn
What’s your favorite treat?: I love to share a good arugula salad with my mom.
Where is your favorite place to sleep?: I love to sleep in the beer box beside my mom's computer.
What is your perfect day?: Meat Tubes 'n' Tunes...all day long.
What’s the most ornery thing you’ve ever done?: I love to roll in my litter box for fun (yuck) then try and cuddle with my mom. I sometimes roll in it so much that I have litter stuck all over my fur, in my eyes in on my nose :(
What are some fun facts about you?: I was found on the streets of Atlanta with an injury that required my front leg to be amputated at just 3 months old. I love to sit on the record player for my Fern's Pick Of The Week! I have an instagram account @fern_the_tripod_tuxedo and I share my favorite #fernspickoftheweek every week!