What’s your name?: Joey- aka Jojo, Josephine, and The Meatball
How old are you?: 2.5
How did you meet your mom/dad/parents?: Someone found me on a bike path near Boston, and brought me to the MSPCA where my dad used to volunteer.
How stinky are you?: I can definitely be a stinker. I like to wake my mom up and demand food - then I barely eat any of it. I just like the attention and being a bossy little girl.
What’s your favorite treat?: Everything
Where is your favorite place to sleep?: In dad's closet, on top of his clothes, or in his spot on the couch when he leaves.
What is your perfect day?: Naps, Snacks and Craps!
What’s the most ornery thing you’ve ever done?: When I was still a baby, I fell down the stairs and broke my leg - my bionic leg cost almost $10k.
What are some fun facts about you?: I'm a Manx! Manx cats don't really have tails, just little nubs. When I'm feeling frisky, the nub is out of control!