
Stinker of the Month: August 2022


What’s your name?: Corduroy

How old are you?: 9-10 Months?

How did you meet your mom/dad/parents?: Mom rescued me from her neighborhood when i was a wee baby in Cumberland, Maryland after a bad flood.

How stinky are you?: I am the stinkieest of boys.

What’s your favorite treat?: Delectables Lickable Chicken Broth.

Where is your favorite place to sleep?: In mom's closet aka my cave.

What is your perfect day?: Bird watchin' on a sunny day and mom let's me eat a piece of a Tudor's egg biscuit.

What’s the most ornery thing you’ve ever done?: Every morning I tip over mom's favorite ceramic lamp to scare her awake.

What are some fun facts about you?: I am named after the Children's book Corduroy. I like to lay on my back with my feet up like a human. I love belly scratches like a dog.


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