What’s your name?: Linus
How old are you?: 5
How did you meet your mom/dad/parents?: Someone left me all alone on my granddad's property. My mom couldn't understand how anyone could ever leave sweet little me in the cold snow, so she adopted me!
How stinky are you?: Not gonna lie, I love my stink. I advocate for DAB. ( Dogs Against Bathing )
What’s your favorite treat?: Bully sticks, baby carrots, and the occasional slug that my mom has to clean from my mouth
Where is your favorite place to sleep?: My mama's lap
What is your perfect day?: Sniffing all the sniffs on a long walk, chasing the laser pointer as long as I want, and playing tug of war with my brother Liam
What’s the most ornery thing you’ve ever done?: I steal all my human sister animal toys. I must protect them.
What are some fun facts about you?: I like to bark at airplanes in the sky, and chase the pesky birds from the yard.