What’s your name?: Heughan The Great
How old are you?: 1 1/2 years old
How did you meet your mom/dad/parents?: My mom adopted me from a family that couldn't take anymore pups.
How stinky are you?: I don't really "stink", but sometime have stinky behavior.
What’s your favorite treat?: Jerky
Where is your favorite place to sleep?: In the bend of my mom's legs.
What is your perfect day?: Sleep, snuggle, play with my sister, maybe get a little dog park action in. Then snuggle and sleep some more!
What’s the most ornery thing you’ve ever done?: I'm an opportunist! I stole my mom's blizzard once. I also try to sneak table food when she's not looking.
What are some fun facts about you?: I'm named after "Outlander" star Same Heughan! My doggie DNA says that I'm a Super Mutt! I have a killer smile! Follow me on instagram @heaughan_the_great