
Stinker of the Month: MAY 2022

May 2022: Mohchi 

What’s your name?: Mohchi

How old are you?: 5

How did you meet your mom/dad/parents?: They found me howling from a neighbor's balcony when I was just 4 weeks old. The neighbor never had any cats, so someone tossed me up there.

How stinky are you?: I'm moderately stinky. Sometimes I have breath like a corpse that could singe your eyebrows.

What’s your favorite treat?: Tuna water.

Where is your favorite place to sleep?: Anywhere and everywhere, but especially in sunbeams and my favorite box.

What is your perfect day?: Rolling around in the dirt when the weather is nice. The best part of the day is when my humans come home and let me rub my head on their smelly feet.

What’s the most ornery thing you’ve ever done?: I like to make popping sounds at my mom and dad when they try to comb me. I also enjoy swatting them when they walk by.

What are some fun facts about you?: I have thumbs! I also have 2 older fuzz sisters, Olive ( 16 ) and Simcoe ( 11 ), and a new younger fuzz sister, Bête Noire ( 9 mo ). Olive is also stinky; she likes to fart and has dingleberris.


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